Healer Prayer Group

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Date(s) - 23/01/2017
7:15 pm - 7:45 pm

St Thomas' Church


Each month there is a time of prayer for those who have asked for prayer, or for whom prayer has been requested. The next Healer Prayer time is Monday 23 January 2017 at 19.15 hours in the Committee Room of the Monk Gibbon Hall at St Thomas’ Church. Details are announced in the weekly newssheet. It lasts 40–45 minutes: the people on the Healer Prayer Group List are prayed for, and the list is updated and fresh lists are placed in each church the following Sunday, for people to take away and to use. Those who take the list, are asked to pray for everyone on the list each day. In addition, in each church, there are sheets, where the names of anyone whom you would like to be prayed for, may be added.

 We would particularly ask those who put names on the Prayer Request Lists to come along to the Healer Prayer Group.

 Each person’s name will remain on the list for 3 months and will then be taken off unless there is a new request for prayers to continue.