Events - 17 Dec 23

Date/Time Event Description
8:30 am - 9:00 am
8.30 Holy Communion Service
St Philip and St James’ Church, Booterstown Co. Dublin

This is a short service of Holy Communion. There is no music at it but many like it because it is a smaller congregation and therefore more intimate.   We ask that people respect that some need more space than others in order to feel comfortable. Whilst mask wearing is no longer mandated, people may feel more comfortable wearing a mask.

10:00 am - 11:00 am
'A Quiet Christmas'
St Thomas’ Church, Mount Merrion Co. Dublin

This Service is designed for those who may not want the ‘razzle dazzle’ of Christmas (so to speak). And this may be for any number of reasons; maybe because of illness, or bereavement, or… It is a quiet, reflective service and as ‘quiet and reflective’ do not often mix well with children(!), we ask people not to bring their children to this service, but to go instead this morning to the Christingle Service in St Philip and St James’ Church at 11.30, which is anything but quiet!

10:30 am - 11:15 am
United Christingle Service
St Philip and St James’ Church, Booterstown Co. Dublin

Direct Link to Live-stream:

Order of Service: Christingle 2023 PDF

This service is based on the Moravian custom of the Christingle. The word ‘Christingle’ means Christ-light, and the tradition originated in the Moravian Church in 1747. There are a number of symbols associated with the Christingle which will be explained during the service but the predominant theme is:
Christ, the light of the world.
The Christingle consists of:

• an orange representing the world with
• a red ribbon around it representing the blood of Jesus (i.e. his death on the cross for our sins),
• sweets skewered on 4 cocktail sticks which are pushed into the orange representing the fruits of the earth and the four seasons
• a lighted candle is pushed into the centre of the orange representing Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Jesus describes himself in the Bible, in John chapter 8 v. 12, in this way: ‘I am the Light of the World, if you follow me you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life’ (New Living Translation)
• and, in some services, as we do here, tin foil around the base of the candle to reflect Christ’s light and goodness

This service is very much geared towards children, as each child receives a Christingle and we also bless the crib at this service. The children’s sense of excitement and anticipation of Christmas is wonderful!

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Carols by Candlelight
St Thomas’ Church, Mount Merrion Co. Dublin

Direct Link to live-stream:

Order of Service:  Carols by Candlelight 2023 PDF

The ‘Carols by Candlelight’ is a traditional service of nine lessons and carols. In St Thomas’ Church, we have candles in wall-mounted sconces in the nave of the church and around the sanctuary, and for the Carols by Candlelight, we light all the candles, and each person is also given a candle(non-flame), so our carols are by candlelight! It is a very special service with a fantastic atmosphere as we hear the story of Christ unfold and sing much-loved and well-known carols.

Afterwards, everyone is invited to mulled wine (non-alcoholic) and mince pies, in the Monk Gibbon Hall, in the grounds of St Thomas’ Church. As with all our services, all are welcome.

As you will see elsewhere, the collection at the Carols by Candlelight will be in aid of Protestant Aid which helps families and individuals of all denominations, financially. It is a Church of Ireland version of St Vincent de Paul. There will also be a sum-up facility for you to make a donation at the end of the service, should you wish to do so.

Mount Merrion (St Thomas’) Select Vestry is using a company to provide a live-stream of the service.