Update of Registers of Vestrypersons

Please note that the Register of Vestrypersons for Mount Merrion Parish (St Thomas’ Church) will be updated at a meeting of the Select Vestry of Mount Merrion Parish (St Thomas’ Church) on Monday 23rd January 2023, and the Register of Vestrypersons for Booterstown and Carysfort Parish (St Philip and St James’ Church) will be updated at a meeting of the Select Vestry on Thursday 26th January 2023.

The Register of Vestrypersons is the electoral roll of the Parish, and is updated at the January Select Vestry meetings of our respective parishes.
If you are not on the Register, you are not entitled to vote on parish matters and are not able to hold any office in the parish, or serve on the Select Vestry. Please contact the Churchwardens to be placed on the Register of Vestrypersons.
It is very simple to do, the churchwardens have forms available, and all you have to do is fill in the short, simple form and give it to a churchwarden.
You may also contact the Rector for a form and also to clarify whether you complete a Resident Form or an Accustomed Member Form.